Inom Visma Nmbrs kan du använda flera mallar, artikeln nedan beskriver vilka tillgängliga dashlets och behörigheter för inloggningsmallen för chefen.
Varje tillgängligt instrumentpanel anger maximala behörigheter för en instrumentbräda:
Läs: Chefen kan se innehållet i dashlets.
Skriv: Chefen kan justera innehållet i dashlets.
När du ställer in behörigheten för rapporterna till "Läs" betyder det att klienten inte kan ladda ner rapporten. Knapparna 'ladda ned PDF / Excel' saknas i detta fall. Om du vill att chefen ska kunna ladda ner rapporterna ställer du in behörigheterna på Skriv.
En dashlet med maximal behörighet för 'Skriv' kan justeras till 'Läs' eller 'Ingen'.
En dashlet med maximal behörighet "Läs" kan ändras till "Ingen" men inte till "Skriv".
En saknad dashlet kan inte läggas till.
Mer information om att ändra en mall efter kundens önskemål finns i denna artikel.
EXPLORER: Employee | Read | Write |
Employee action items | x | |
Company car | x | |
Assessment and functioning | x | |
Sector regulations | x | |
Employment | x | |
Employee documents | x | |
Additional hours/days | x | |
Family | x | |
Cost centre | x | |
Attachment of earnings | x | |
Wage components | x | |
Wage components per period | x | |
Wage components per run | x | |
Payroll taxes | x | |
Payslips per period | x | |
Payslips per run | x | |
Employee login | x | |
Accident file | x | |
Training/education | x | |
Personal details | x | |
Reservations | x | |
Schedule | x | |
Payroll | x | |
Salary savings/Life-course | x | |
Leave | x | |
Provisions | x | |
Insurances | x | |
Absence | x | |
OTHERS: Wizards | Read | Write |
TABS: Start | Read | Write |
Action items | x | |
Change requests | x | |
Overview departments | x | |
Overview Contracts | x | |
Overview male/female | x | |
RSS | x | |
Time registration | x | |
Leave applications | x | |
Explorer: | Read | Write |
Calendar: | Read | Write |
Overviews: | Read | Write |
Employee HR General - Adjusted Reports | x | |
Employee HR General - Employee company car | x | |
Employee HR General - Employee family | x | |
Employee HR general - Employee contact details list | x | |
Employee HR general - Employee training/education | x | |
Employee HR General - Employee birthday | x | |
Employee HR general - Employee provisions | x | |
Employee HR General - Overview Departments | x | |
Employee HR General - Overview Contracts | x | |
Employee HR General - Overview male/female | x | |
Employee HR Absence and Leave - Employee leave registration | x | |
Employee HR Absence and Leave - Employee leave balance | x | |
Employee HR Absence and Leave - Employee Absence Registration Report | x | |
Employee HR Absence and Leave - Leave overview | x | |
Employee HR Absence and Leave - Absence Overview | x | |
Employee HR Absence & Leave - Absence Overview | x | |
Employee HR Absence and Leave - Absence registration Report | x | |
Employee Payroll - Employee hours & salary(headcount) | x |
Employee Payroll - Employee hours & salary (new) | x |