I den här artikeln kommer vi att förklara de olika mutationsformerna i Nmbrs. De mutationsformer som diskuteras i denna artikel finns tillgängliga både i den svenska och den holländska miljön. Mutationsformer specifika för en av dessa miljöer kommer inte att diskuteras. Klicka här (Accountant) eller här (Business) för att läsa mer om hur du ställer in mutationsformulären, och här för mer information om att behandla en mutationsblankett.
De olika mutationsformerna kommer att diskuteras i följande ordning:
Anställda mutationsformer
Med dessa mutationsformulär kan en anställd själv anmäla en förändring. Efter att medarbetaren har skickat in en mutationsblankett startar godkännandeflödet. När alla inom godkännandeflödet har godkänt mutationsformuläret kommer uppgifterna för den anställde att ändras/läggas till. Fälten i mutationsformuläret är fasta och kan inte ändras. Följande mutationsformulär kan lämnas in av en anställd:
Change bank account* |
The employee can add a new bank account number or change the existing bank account number. |
Change department |
The employee can choose from all departments added to the debtor level and report a change themselves. |
Change address* |
The employee can add their new address or change their existing one. |
Change function |
The employee can choose from all functions added to the debtor level and report a change themselves. |
Change manager | The employee can choose from all managers added to the debtor level and report a change themselves. |
Change personal info | The employee can communicate changes in their personal information through this mutation form. Changes such as names, ID, phone numbers, marriage status and email addresses. |
Change salary | The employee can report a change in their salary. |
Change schedule | The employee can report a change in their schedule. |
Application form |
With this form the applicant can provide the basic information. Such as name, phone numbers, email addresses, date of birth, CV and a motivational letter. |
Expenses declaration* | With this form the employee can submit a declaration. The employee can choose from a list of wage codes that are added to wage model for expenses mutation forms. |
First day at work form | With this form the employee can provide more personal information. Such as name, phone numbers, email addresses, addresses, social security number, ID and more. |
* Också tillgänglig i Nmbrs App.
Företag mutationsformer
Med företagsmutationsformulären kan kunden med klientinloggning lägga till information själv. Efter godkännande av redovisningsekonomen implementeras förändringen i miljön.
New employee | With this form the customer can add new employees themselves. Information such as names, address, contact information, employment, schedule and salary can be filled in. |
Change address and contact | With this form the customer can adjust the address and contact information of an existing employee. |
Personal info | With this form the customer can change personal information of an existing employee. |
Change function | With this form the customer can adjust the department, function, manager and/or cost center of an existing employee. |
Change salary | With this form the customer can change the salary from an existing employee. |
Change schedule | With this form the customer can change the schedule from an existing employee. |
Quick input | When quick input settings have been created, the customer can choose from (different) quick input mutation forms. With these forms the customer can add wage and hourly codes for many employees at the same time. The following article provides more information on quick/fast input: Fast input. |
Employee out of service | With this form the customer can add the out of service date to an employee. This form follows the same flow as the wizard employee out of service option. |
HR workflow mutationsformer
Vissa HR-arbetsflödesuppgifter kan kopplas till mutationsformulär. Blanketterna kan skickas in och godkännas av olika inloggningar (manager, klient etc). Vem behöver göra vad baseras på HR-arbetsflödesinställningarna på koncernnivå. Generellt är mutationsformerna desamma som diskuterats tidigare i den här artikeln, men ett fåtal mutationsformer är endast tillgängliga via HR-arbetsflödet. Dessa undantag diskuteras i denna del:
Contract approval form | With this form a contract can be added to an employee that does not yet have a contract. You also have the possibility to add salary, the function and the schedule. |
Extend contract | With the firm the contract can be renewed. You also have the possibility to change the function and/or salary. |